Starting Point


An Israeli T-shirt generator that allows anyone to create a product with their own unique touch. The algorithm will gather visual and historical information about specific locations and provide options to choose from



Project Type

UX/UI, Branding


Figma / Illustrator /
Photoshop/ After effects



The Problem

Many young people who have migrated to a new city often experience feelings of nostalgia and a desire to reconnect with the places they grew up in. However, they may struggle to find meaningful ways to express this longing and sense of belonging.


A mobile application that employs visual analysis algorithms to offer personalized merchandise recommendations based on users' emotional connections to specific locations in Israel.

View Final Project

The Research

Market research

In conducting market research, I analyzed various t-shirt and clothing design generators to understand trends, user preferences, and design functionalities.

User Interviews

I interviewed individuals aged 20-30, my target audience, to understand their preferences and challenges related to the platform. These insights were crucial for informing its development.

Visual Research

For visual research, I took Haifa as an example, capturing its unique landmarks and cultural elements. demonstrating how the app can incorporate local imagery to evoke nostalgia and emotional connection for users with a personal affinity for the city

Key takeways

Key Takeaways

Futhermore cutomisationDespite being presented with multiple merchandise options generated by the algorithm, users express a desire for further customization, including adjustments in color, size, and other parameters


Personalized Recommendations The app should incorporate users' favorite places or interests to generate personalized design options tailored to their preferences.


Ease of Use Users value a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and customize their merchandise without complications or confusion.


Concluding, the "Starting point" app ensures easy navigation and offers a variety of design options, including personalized recommendations. With minimalist aesthetics, it delivers a tailored experience for every user's unique style.



To understand how things are going to work I constructed the app flow using a flowchart.



Then to understand how things are going to look I created low-fidelity and high-fidelity wireframes.


Easy Generator
T-shirts customiser
360° Navigation
Simple Checkout

Design System

Style Guide

Design System

Graphic Elements

Design System

T-Shirt design


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